Artist / Song: Lady Gaga – Shallow
Technique: Fingerpicking, hammer on, pull offs
Difficulty: 5
MelodyChords: # 2
I think Shallow was the most heard and played song in guitar lessons. At least for me.
As soon as the movie „A Star is Born“ came out, I was forced to play this song with students at least once a day. : P
Then there were also students who wanted to go a little further. So they wanted to play the MelodyChords as well. Partly with my help but partly without my help.
As mentioned in other MelodyChords contributions, there is no „absolute“ version of a song. So it doesn’t matter if you play a few notes differently. It should just be more or less similar to the original.
Because of that, this video isn’t perfect either. Now and then it has parts that I would not have published that way. However, it makes sense here because it should come across as „spontaneous“ as possible and not „rehearsed“.
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