Artist / Song: Lynyrd Skynyrd – Sweet Home Alabama
Technique: Alternate picking , Ghost Notes, Hammer On, Pull Off
Difficulty: 6
Riff: # 9
The chorus riff on „Sweet Home Alabama“ is actually the typical Status Quo riff.
Based on PowerChords , or from the fifth to the sixth and again from the beginning, makes the whole thing very bluesy! 🙂
From my experience as a guitar teacher, I can say that the fourth measure could be the most difficult on the whole riff.
It is true that it is always the same notes and rhythmically not really difficult, since only 16th notes are played.
The difficult part though, is theMelodic rhythm .
16th notes are played, i.e. a normal group of four, but the melodic rhythm is divided into three.
Instead of counting 1-2-3-4 as usual, one counts here 1-2-3, 1-2-3, etc.
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